Sunday, December 16, 2012


It has been a rough week.
I don't really have anything profound to say other than that. I'm going to leave the talk about mental health, gun control, mothering, school security... to other more eloquent bloggers. That isn't what this blog is about.
I have appreciated so much the little things sent around on Facebook and elsewhere about how to cope with a week like this. (Short version, Mister Rogers is my HERO!)
Here is a link to a great round up of why we shouldn't quite give up on each other quite yet:

Love, peace, and prayers for all who have been affected by tragedies large and small. I would hop into the computer and give hugs if I could. Just know that you are never truly alone, you are always loved, and there is always hope for better days to come.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Man who was walking down our street

I am blessed to have a son with a truly generous heart. Today he was inspired by a group of teens outside our local grocery store who were collecting donations for the "Stuff the Bus" food drive. While I was making lunch he made a sign saying "no more hunger" in big letters, went out in our front yard, and walked up and down singing (to his own little tune) "anything helps!" It was so beautiful and sweet.
We live on a busy enough corner in our small town that there are numerous passers-by. I figured he would earn a few smiles and maybe some words of encouragement. He had not been out more than two minutes when he runs back into the house bouncing up and down and waving a $5 bill! A man had come up and asked what his sign was about, my son told him he was collecting donations to buy food for the hungry. The man said, "That is a cause I would like to support" and gave him $5. My little guy was beside himself! He spent the next forty-five minutes out in the yard with his sign and collected 8 apples and two more dollars.
We plan to take the $7 to our favorite grocery store and talk with them about how much they would be willing to sell us to donate to a food drive. I am hoping that they will chip in some extra items.
That man who gave my son the $5 may have made a philanthropist for life with that one act. It always pays back to support a child's dreams. Thank you so much, sir!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Drivers on I5 north on Wednesday in rush-hour

Enough of this holiday vacation, back to posting. :)
I usually work on Thursday, but with Thursday being Thanksgiving here, I needed to work a different day. So, for some reason I thought it was a good idea to work on Wednesday and end my work day so that I would head home right about 3pm. It should come as no surprise that I found myself stuck in the densest traffic jam I have seen in ages! I confess I have a rather dark opinion of traffic jams due to impending holidays. I think of them as being filled with bad-tempered, impatient drivers, with honking and blocking and all that. It is the ironic picture of people shaking fists at each other and yelling obscenities on the way to enjoy a relaxing holiday weekend.
I am most pleased to say that while crowded and slow, it was very possibly the most mellow, relaxed, and polite traffic I have ever been in! For example, I put on my turn-signal, and was let over promptly, not once, but all *six* of my lane changes on the freeway portion of my commute! It was lovely. If we have to be stuck in traffic together, it is so much nicer to be kind to one another.
Thanks to all the other drivers! I hope you arrived home safely and enjoyed a long weekend with your favorite people.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Winco clerk (WInco again! Weird...)

I have my own Winco story today! Who knew Winco was full of heroes?
I don't usually shop at Winco these days, but they have the best price on bulk beans and my daughter loves playing in her bean bin, so off to Winco we went. We got our big bag of beans and were turning toward checkout when my girl sees the deli case and decides that, more than anything in the world, she needs a corn dog. I didn't even know she had ever seen a corn dog! She asked ever-so-politely, and I got the corn dog. When I was a kid, we shopped at Winco all the time, and my mom used to get the "krab salad". I was over taken with nostalgia and got myself some crab salad. (These are important details, I promise :). ) We also grabbed a block of cheese and couple other things since we were looking around, and headed over to pay. When we got there, I discovered that Winco doesn't take credit cards. I don't have my debit card because I lost it earlier this week, and my next stop is supposed to be the bank to get a new one. The clerk offers to hold my groceries, and I let her know that my bank is at least 25 minutes drive so we won't be back for at least an hour. I leave Winco carrying my little baby and my daughter who is sobbing, "My corn dog! My corn dog!" Not my happiest time as a parent, that is for sure.
We drive all the way to the bank to the refrain of, "My corn dog!" I try to reassure her that we *will* get her corn dog, we just have to go to the bank first, but this doesn't mean much when you are two, and she is unmoved. I can't help but grieve for the chilled crab salad that will soon be warm, and assume I will need to get a new corn dog as it will be stone cold by the time we get there.
Replacement card in hand we return to Winco, pay for our items at customer service, and are told that someone will bring our groceries shortly. It turns out to be a bit longer than shortly. When our groceries show up, my crab salad along with the cheese and other chilled items are tucked up in a bag together and quite cool, the other items are bagged on their own, and the gal asks, "Is this yours too?" She holds up a bag clearly containing the beloved corn dog. It is toasty warm.
I would have been easy to just scoop up our groceries and stick them under a counter until we got back. Instead, some sweet soul kept our refrigerated items cool, and put our warm item back in the warmer.
Boy was that a happy girl with her corn dog!
Thank you Winco clerk! Anyone who can make my little girl's day like that is my hero.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Little old lady in Winco

Today's hero come from a friend:

... yesterday I took the kids to Winco all by myself (quite the task, I'm sure you know) and they were getting restless. I picked up B to help him pick a jar of jam and Z reached over and knocked a big glass jar of jelly off the shelf which shattered all over the floor. I just hung my head, feeling so overwhelmed with motherhood. A sweet little old lady walked over to me, guessed the kids ages correctly and said, "I remember a long time ago being in your shoes. just leave it and finish your shopping. One day at a time, honey." And with a smile she walked away. Boy did I need that lady to be there at that time!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Friend of a long, long time

Other than dropping off and picking up my son from school, I didn't leave my house today. So today's hero came to me!
I have known this gal since we were babies, so she knows the way to my heart better than most. Today she came and held my baby while he slept and I madly cleaned. Then when he woke up the two of us aided by my oldest traded off baby and toddler care and did a quick pick-up of stuff on the floor. Then she swept my whole house from top to bottom. After all that I, of course, fed her dinner!
There really are not words for how much it means to me to be able to walk across my floor without a collection of debris getting stuck to the bottom of my feet. It is a small thing in the grand scheme. But it means that my house feels like home again. Thank you, my friend!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My brother

So, here it is! I am finally doing it!

Really it started so long ago I can't even remember, but now it has space on a computer. :)

We spend so much of our energy focused on how others negatively impact our lives: That lady in traffic cut me off! That cashier put my oranges on top of my bananas! Why did that guy mean by that?! My hope is to use this blog to turn that around, just a little bit, one story at a time, for anyone who would like to join me. What about the lady who let your merge at the last minute? What about the cashier that smiled and was kind when you were having a lame-o day? What about the random guy you passed on the street who said you looked great?

In an effort to combat my own negative tendencies, I have kept an eye out for these people who by tiny acts of kindness, patience, humor, generosity... add a peek of sunshine into my day. I have been keeping private track of these little heroes in my head for ages, and occasionally like many things you aren't sure you should share lest you seem a bit odd, I have mentioned this out loud. Once, in the presence of my youngest brother, I mentioned that I should make it a blog. Bless his heart he said, "Yes! You totally should!" More than that, just the other day he reminded me that I had said I would make a blog, and even said he would read it! Now that is love. :)

So, my first Hero of the Day has to be my brother. It probably seemed like an off-hand comment at the time, but it pushed me that last little bit toward doing something I have wanted to do for a long time. Thanks bro!